Current Grounds

Sutton Coldfield

Going into our 7th year at Sutton we have taken the squares along with the clubs investments to the next level, hosting many youth county games as well as a 3 day U17 Warwickshire game in 2022. Scores of 250+ are a regular now with 200 usually below par.

Hampton & Solihull

We have been preparing the ground at Hampton for around 5 years. It is known as once of the best grounds in the area with scores regularly exceeding 250. The club and our team achieved Warwickshire League Ground of the year in 2022

Kings Heath

Going into our 3rd year at Kings Heath, the scores on the cricket ground are proof alone on the improvement. Scores are now exceeding 225 most weeks and with a square usually taking 3-4 years for massive improvement we are looking forward to seeing the progression at the club. We also look after the bowls green at Kings Heath which was in much need of attention. We are now gradually getting the green back up to the levels expected of the club in the past years.

Sheldon Marlborough

We recently took over Sheldon mid-season in 2022 which needed some much need TLC. The first season was seen as a bulidng block of understanding the square, with us looking forward to getting our own end of season renovations at the club. It will be exciting to see the progress in 2023